"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier." Roy E. Disney
24th February 2022
I recently shared my experience of undergoing a tumultuous period in my life when it became evident my employers' values were not aligned with my own. As a result, I quit two jobs back-to-back.
At that point, I had lost trust in the corporate world to do the right thing, and I made the decision to become self-employed.
In the workplace, we are currently seeing a movement known as the "Great Resignation" and one of the reported reasons for this economic trend is related to this very issue: Employees are resigning because they don't believe their employers are living the values they proclaimed to have when the employee was hired.
Why is it so hard for corporations to live their values? Is the almighty dollar the only driving force in how corporations act? I strongly believe that when corporations have strong values and reflect them in their day-to-day activities, we all win.
When I begin working with my coaching clients to support them in building the business of their dreams, we start by focusing on their values and understanding how their business must align with these values.
Designing a business around your values, will make it easier to grow and prosper, and will provide the impetus you need when things get tough. If you are not in alignment with your core values, resistance will creep in and will eventually lead to failure.
A few years ago, I worked with a client who realized she had started the wrong business. It was not in alignment with her values. It was an important and emotional realization and she ended up changing her line of work altogether. Today, she and her family are much happier.
As a coach, it brings me joy to help clients find their "right" journey. To help you determine if you are living in alignment with your values, answer the questions below. If you are having difficulty identifying your top values, see the Free Resources section below.
Taking the LEAP with you!

Fulfillment in life is related to how well you are living in alignment with your values.
Values are not morals or principles. They are the essence of who you are—not who you think you should be. For instance, money is not a value, whereas the things that money might buy, such as free time, risk-taking, and being of service are values. When you’re aligned with your values, you feel inner harmony, your choices are more easily made, and your actions are in accord with your true self.
Take this "true or false" quiz to see how well you are living in sync with your values.
1. I have spent time clarifying my values and can easily articulate them.
2. My values are my own. I have not simply adopted them from parents, teachers or other outside influences.
3. I based my choice of occupation on my deepest values.
4. My values are in alignment with the company I work for (or own).
5. My business associates and I regularly examine how we are living up to our values and mission.
6. I turn down money-making or status-building opportunities when they conflict with my values.
7. In resolving disputes at work, I look beneath the apparent problem to see if values are being dishonored, and then I seek ways to honor them.
8. Anyone looking at my life from the outside would see what I value.
9. I use my values as a guidepost for making decisions. I ask if a particular choice would bring me closer to—or further from—a core value.
10. When I feel upset, it’s almost always because my values are being trampled—either by me, someone else, or the situation.
11. I am not easily swayed by others’ opinions when they conflict with my values.
12. To remain open and flexible, I am willing to re-examine my values to determine whether something is still true for me.
13. I find creative ways to honor all of my values—even when they conflict with one another.
14. My work values are in harmony with my personal and relationship values.
15. If I live according to my values, I will feel satisfied and successful throughout my life.
If you answered false more often than true, you may wish to clarify your deepest values and bring your life into greater alignment with them.
Please don’t hesitate if you’d like support in doing this.
Click here to schedule a complimentary session with me.
Are you ready to define and prioritize your values?
If you answered "false" more than "true" in the quiz above, it may be time to define and prioritize your values. Otherwise, how can you live in alignment with them!
You can do this by downloading the worksheet "Prioritizing My Core Beliefs and Values". The worksheet will guide in identifying your core values and then lead you through a process of prioritizing them. Click here to download
RESOURCES and more...
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
I've previously featured this wonderful book! Daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, observable, and measurable: Rumbling with Vulnerability, Living into our Values, Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise. I highly recommend it! Link to Amazon

FREE GIFT If you know it's time for a change in a specific area of your life, but you aren't sure how to make it happen, this is for you - Courage, Risks and Reward: Taking a Chance to Change Your Life - a 5-part Coaching Program compliments of The LEAP Network! Click here to download the program.
Let's connect... Join me in a one-hour complimentary strategy session to help determine how you can move forward in getting unstuck, and gain momentum to move in the right direction for you. During our session, we will go over one or two exercises and determine the one next step you can take on your own after the call to keep the momentum going. Click here to schedule your session
Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.
Renée discovered her business and mindset coaching super powers when she was approached by a woman looking for assistance in developing a business opportunity. She hasn’t looked back since. Coaching women fits with her passion to empower women so they live a fulfilled life and make choices from a foundation of personal power, financial freedom and a deep sense of accomplishment.
Through her own experiences, as well as coaching women entrepreneurs and women in finance, Renée understands women often undermine their confidence and self-esteem. Consequently, they jeopardize their success paths, and mental fitness. As mindset accounts for an estimated 80% of success and happiness, Renée helps her clients to understand the lies they are telling themselves, how they are sabotaging their performance, wellness and relationships and helps them to establish a new journey to thrive utilizing their superpowers.
Renée helps her clients find clarity, regain their passion, set stick-worthy goals, stay focused, create the right mindset, and be accountable. She also gently pushes her clients outside of their comfort zones and helps them face their fears so they can achieve their dreams. Renée works with her clients through various online courses, webinars, one-on-one coaching, and group coaching programs.
Renée, who trained as a life coach with Tony Robbins and Cloé Madanes, is also a certified trainer for Marci Shimoff's Happy for No Reason and Susan Jeffer's Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway courses based on their respective books of the same name. She is also in the process of getting certified in the Positive Intelligence® program to increase her client’s mental fitness.
Renée is aptly qualified to coach women entrepreneurs and women in investments having founded two of her own businesses; investment management consulting services and business coaching. She is passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion and loves multi-cultural environments, having lived abroad for 35 years with assignments in 13 countries. She obtained her Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charter in 1990, and has over 30 years of experience in the investment/finance industry. She is listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Finance. She has also received various awards and recognition in the investment industry through her work with the CFA Institute and the development of capital markets in East Africa.
Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.reneeblasky.com
You can also send an email directly to Renée at renee@reneeblasky.com