Become Your Own CEO
Is your small business facing a bottleneck?
Do you ever wonder if it's YOU?
Do you often...
- Go into a sales call thinking they won't buy?
- Find yourself stuck or not willing to take the necessary action?
- Hate to network because it pushes you out of your comfort zone?
- Change direction because you get distracted or don't have clarity?
- Worry about not having enough money?

Do you lay awake at night wondering...
"What's wrong with me? "I'm not good enough!
"Why do I feel so anxious and scared all the time"
"Why can't I make a decision so I can get unstuck?"
"Why does everyone else succeed but I don't?"
"Why can't I earn the income I want, need and deserve?"
Do your relationships suffer because...
- You are quick to judge and blame?
- You can't find a good work life balance?
- You feel they don't understand what you're going through?
Be assured, you are not alone!
Many struggling employees and small business owners
have these thoughts and emotions.
But that doesn't provide you with any comfort does it?
You're thinking, "This is hard!"
The good news doesn't have to be that that hard!
It's time to Check Your Attitude!
Have you ever considered the results you are getting
are because you are getting in your own way?

Hello! I've been a solopreneur for over 20 years, first building a consulting company within the investment industry and then as a business acceleration coach for entrepreneurs, including start-ups. I know first-hand the struggles women entrepreneurs face, both as someone who has gone through the experience of building businesses and by working with dozens of women solopreneurs. I understand why women often undermine our confidence and self-esteem. Self-doubt and negative emotions are powerful stuff! They can sabotage you before you even get your business off the ground and/or at any time during the journey. When they show up, your dreams are in danger, as you feel like giving up. But to stop the self-sabotage, you must recognize those negative emotions and recognize how and when they are interfering with your head.
In other words, you need to acknowledge your emotions, not avoid them. They are likely sending you strong messages you are ignoring or resisting. When we ignore or resist our emotions and thoughts by thinking we can drive through them, or just hold out long enough so they will go away, they persist! They stop us from taking action. They stop us from moving out of our comfort zone. They stop us from earning the money we desire and deserve.
But it doesn't have to be hard if you take action to get help. It's important to work with someone to help solve these issues as most often we don't recognize our own cries for help. All we see is "It's not working - this is too hard!"
Research has shown mindset accounts for an estimated 80% of success and happiness. That's why I've spent years* learning how to help my clients understand how they are sabotaging their performance, and success. Together, we work on identifying your limiting beliefs, including money mindset issues stopping you from attracting high-paying clients. During the process you find clarity, regain your passion, set stick-worthy goals, stay focused, and create the right mindset, all the while being held accountable so you continually make progress towards achieving your dreams.
You CAN live a fulfilled life and make choices from a foundation of personal power, financial freedom and a deep sense of accomplishment IF you have the right attitude.
*I trained as a life coach with Tony Robbins and Cloé Madanes and underwent Positive Intelligence® training to increase mental fitness. I'm also a certified trainer for Marci Shimoff's Happy for No Reason and Dr. Susan Jeffer's Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway programs. In addition, I've undergone numerous other programs addressing neuro-science principles and limiting beliefs.
Learn more.... schedule a complimentary Leapstart Session today! Go to my calendar
Once you Check Your Attitude, you can Change Your Attitude
and ultimately... Charge Your Attitude!
Can you picture how awesome your new life would be?
What would you change about your existing life
if you had financial freedom?
Imagine how much you would enjoy your new life
with less worry, less stress and less anxiety?
What would it feel like to wake up every morning, knowing
you would be able to succeed at what ever you had planned for that day?
So if you are looking to...
- get better results,
- attract more clients/customers,
- make more money,
- improve your relationships
- become happier,
- have fun in your business,
- feel more fulfilled and
- live with much less stress and anxiety
It's time to amp up your mindset!
Once you build and strengthen your mindset,
you can Charge Your Attitude to elevate your results.
What does this all mean for you and your business?
But you are probably wondering, "Is it really that easy?"
However, it doesn't happen overnight and it takes consistent effort!
Let's start by finding out if YOU are getting in your own way!
Schedule a complimentary